How do I order archive records by e-mail?

If you prefer to order archive records via e-mail, please prepare specific detailed information on your research topic for your first contact. Please note that ordering archival records does not replace your preparation as well as your  detailed research. Any elaborated research conducted by our staff of is subject to charges except for the first half hour; use  form "Schriftliche Anfagen" (written requests).

If you are interested in personal/biographical research, please use our online sources. You can research the following topics by yourself online:

Please consider the following points before sending an order by e-mail:

If you checked all these points, then you have prepared everything you need to place an order by e-mail. Get in touch with  the responsible department by e-mail by using the department mailbox and tell us your request or use the online form  "Aktenvorbestellung". We will keep you informed about your request.

The files have been ordered - what happens next? You can go through the files during a personal visit. Please continue reading here from point 4 onwards.